Page 1 of 1 telemetry API

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 7:12 pm
by nshanny
I have been looking for a way to publish iRacing telemetry into as if it were streaming from an actual box. I have been wanting to compare data from a real MX-5 Cup car with the iRacing version of the car. I would love to write the code if there were a way.


Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 12:52 am
by brentp
Hi, We were actually looking into that as well - the main challenge is that iRacing doesn't seem to have latitude / longitude data available for track position in the telemetry; at least at the time we looked at it. Has that changed?

We have an API we're working to make available, but it's not ready for prime time yet. We are working our way towards making any device broadcastable to Podium; the first step is PodiumConnect we recently launched, as a telemetry bridge for existing data systems. Next step is a documented API for doing it from scratch.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:43 pm
by nshanny

They do now after looking at the current SDK docs.


I would love to help write the software to integrate. I guess the first thing to do would be to take an existing telemetry file and convert to a format that Podium could import. Then going from that to a live feed would be easier. It is probably a simple mapping/conversion problem.

BTW: I cannot wait for the new product - Podium.Connect. I am going to put it into my 2017 MX-5 Cup Car since it already came with the AIM MXL2 system.


Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:46 pm
by brentp

Thanks for the update. Having not checked the API yet, is this also available through the live feed?

We have an existing experimental integration for ProjectCars that we can also integrate iRacing. We would have to make it clear whether data came from real cars or simulation before we can have widespread use, naturally. :)

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:57 pm
by nshanny
Yes, the data appears to be available via the live feed.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:14 am
by pugwonk
Hi there - I'm the chap working with Brent on the project to integrate sim data. Lat/Lon are indeed documented in iRacing's API... however... when you're running the game and using the streaming API, they are unfortunately not available unless you're running an internal debug build of iRacing (which none of us are).

Apparently they did this to stop people writing driving bots (some info at ... ge#9731950 if you're an iRacing member). I believe they're available in the telemetry files you can export after a race, though I haven't checked that.

What we're working on is a PC program which effectively pretends to be a RaceCapture box. So you start the program, then start the RaceCapture app on your phone (connected to the same network), and it sees what it thinks is a RaceCapture. As Brent says this works pretty well for Project Cars and it does actually work fine for iRacing, it's just hampered a lot by the lack of GPS data.

I think it would be technically possible to save the iRacing telemetry files after your race and then upload them directly to Podium, but in many ways that's a completely different app that I'm not currently working on. :)

IIRC iRacing does export some sort of "% through lap" data - we could probably use that to fake up some GPS data using the track map. But we haven't quite got that far yet.